1. The Fifth Commandment says to respect one’s father and mother.  It doesn’t say how to respect them.  Traditionally, this has been taken to imply respect for all authority figures, including the authority of a state.  After all, when one is a child at least, one’s parents are like the government of a little state.


2. The Crito.  Galley set out on annual trip.  No execution then.  Ship expected.  Authorities might not have minded exile—just S. did not propose it.

·        S’s detailed argument. 

1.      Duty to parents.  We are not on equal footing with father.  To disobey the laws is to overthrow them.  (50b)

2.      51e:  Implicit contract with one’s state.  Note in 52de the conditions for entering into a contract (no compulsion or deceit, could have left).  53a: S. really likes Athens.

3.      Laws not tyrannical: can persuade 52a.  (Would it be OK to disobey the laws if they were tyrannically imposed?)

·        52c: S. could have chosen exile.  Is this a fair argument?  No: S. would then be harming himself, and he couldn’t do that.  (Or would he be harming himself?)