The Main Argument of the Euthyphro


  1. The gods love holy actions.  But why do they love them?  [10d]
  2. The gods love holy actions because these actions are holy.  (Why else?)  [10d]
  3. Now, according to Euthyphro, “holy” = “loved by the gods”.  [10e-11a]
  4. Therefore, the gods love holy actions because these actions are loved by the gods.
  5. But in general, if x is V-ed by y (where V is a verb), then x is V-ed by y because y V-s x. [10b]
  6. Hence, the holy actions are loved by the gods because the gods love them.
  7. But we cannot have both A because of B and B because of A, so (4) and (6) are incompatible.