(0. Discuss utilitarianism and justice. Even if it damages people's trust in the healthcare system to kill a patient to use her organs, such long term effects are not what makes the action wrong. What makes it wrong is that it's murder.)

1. “Neither shall you covet your neighbor’s wife.”  While previous commandments have been primarily about what one does, this one is about attitudes.  It can be read in parallel with Jesus’s line: “But I say to you that every one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:28). Sins of thought.. What I’d particularly like to look at in this connection is lust, which is most likely the form that coveting one’s neighbor’s wife would take.

2. John Paul II bases his theology of the body on creation—the idea that God has created our bodies.  Our very existence is a gift of God to us.  At the same time, we are in the image of God.  Thus, just as God has given us a gift, so, too, we must give.  John Paul II is in a way a natural law theorist, but he conceived our nature as gift, so that should give ourselves to others, and of course to God. Interpersonal relationships (whether romantic or not) are central to human life. We do not exist for ourselves, but for others.
