

Searle (hard; and only write on this if you haven't done so before)

Searle thinks our minds aren't computers. Why? He also considers several objections to his argument. Instead of rehashing these, come up with a new one. Could Searle modify the response he makes to one of these objections so that it applies to yours?

Personal identity

Quickly sketch these three theories of personal identity: bodily identity, psychological continuity and soul. Choose one of these theories, and then give ways in which you think this theory is superior to the other two. Now imagine a proponent of one of the other two theories. In what way might she argue that her theory is better than the one you chose. What's your best response to her?

Aquinas' argument for resurrection

Aquinas argues that we should expect a resurrection because human beings typically can't achieve the purpose of their life without a resurrection. Carefully explain all the steps in this argument, discussing why someone might find these steps persuasive. Then do your best to find an objection to one of the steps in the argument. How might Aquinas respond to your objection?

Materialist models of resurrection

Sketch what you think is the best materialist (non-dualist) model of life after death. Give one or two of the most powerful objections you can think of. How might the proponent of this model defend the model against the objection? In the end, do you think life after death is possible if materialism is true? Why or why not?

Death (hard)

Merricks argues that the dualist who thinks the soul continues to exist after death cannot do justice to the tragedy of death. How does Merricks think his physicalism makes it easier to do justice to the tragedy of death? What would be the best way for a dualist opponent to respond to Merricks? Which side has the stronger argument and why?