Gratuitous evils

An evil is gratuitous provided that God could have prevented it without losing a greater good or permitting an equal or greater evil.

Rowe’s main argument

  1. There are gratuitous evils.
  2. A God would prevent gratuitous evils.
  3. So, God does not exist.

Argument for 1

Argument for 2

The theist’s best response according to Rowe

  1. A God exists.
  2. A God would prevent gratuitous evils.
  3. There are no gratuitous evils.

Draper’s argument


HI = The nature and condition of human beings on earth is not the result of malevolent or benevolent agency.

O = Facts about pleasure and pain.


  1. HI better explains O than theism does; P(O|HI) >> P(O|theism)
  2. So, O is evidence for HI over theism.


Pain and pleasure divided up into: