
  1. You pass this course only if you hand in enough papers.
  2. Alice will hand in enough papers.
  3. So, Alice will pass this course.


  1. All producers of honey are taxed.
  2. Bees are producers of honey.
  3. So, bees are taxed.


  1. If you got an A on every paper you handed in, you passed the course.
  2. Alice got an A on every paper she handed in.
  3. So, Alice passed the course.


  1. If God exists, God knows everything.
  2. Nobody knows that 2+2=5.
  3. So, God doesn’t exist.

God and the Bible

  1. God authored the Bible.
  2. The Bible is a book that asserts that God exists.
  3. Everything asserted by a book authored by God is true.
  4. So, God exists.

God and evil

  1. If God exists, there is no evil.
  2. There is evil.
  3. So, God doesn’t exist.

God and creation

  1. If the universe has a cause, God is that cause.
  2. Everything physical has a cause.
  3. So, God exists.