­Curriculum Vitae

Alexander R. Pruss


January, 2025


Department of Philosophy

Baylor University



Born January 5, 1973.  Canadian citizen and permanent U.S. resident.  Married.  Three children.


Ph.D., Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh, August, 2001

          Dissertation title: Possible Worlds: What They Are Good For and What They Are, advised by Nicholas Rescher

Ph.D., Mathematics, University of British Columbia, Spring, 1996

          Dissertation title: Symmetrization, Green’s Functions, Harmonic Measures and Difference Equations, advised by John J. F. Fournier

B.Sc. (hon.), Mathematics and Physics, University of Western Ontario, Spring, 1991

Positions held

2013- : Professor (tenured), Department of Philosophy, Baylor University

2007-2013: Associate Professor (tenured), Department of Philosophy, Baylor University

2006-2007: Associate Professor (tenured), Department of Philosophy, Georgetown University

2003-2007: Faculty in Residence to the Culture and Performance Living and Learning Community, Georgetown University

2001-2006: Assistant Professor (tenure-track), Department of Philosophy, Georgetown University

Fellowships, grants and honors

While on faculty at Baylor University

Aquinas Medalist, American Catholic Philosophical Association (2025)

Wilde Lecturer in Natural and Comparative Religion, Oriel College, University of Oxford (2019)

Outstanding Tenured Faculty Research Award, College of Arts and Sciences (2013)

While on faculty at Georgetown University

Junior Faculty Fellowship (Fall 2005)

National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend (2002)

Georgetown Summer Academic Grant (2002, 2003 and 2006)

Living and Learning Community Advisor of the Year Award from Georgetown University Residence Life (2006 and 2007; the Culture and Performance community that I advised itself received a Community of the Year Award in 2006)

During and for graduate study

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Graduate Fellowship (1997–2000)

Fellowship to attend week-long workshop on the historical Jesus, Westmont College, Santa Barbara, California (2000; nominated by Society of Christian Philosophers)

Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship (1996–1997)

The Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Predoctoral Fellowship (1995–1996)

First Prize in Judaic Seminar’s Purim Essay Contest (1994)

W. Reymont Foundation Scholarship (1991–1992)

Mackenzie King Open Scholarship (1991; one awarded in all of Canada; declined due to conflict with other scholarship)

The “1967” National Sciences and Engineering Research Council Graduate Scholarship (1991–1995)

Publications in Philosophy


Infinity, Causation and Paradox, Oxford University Press, 2018

with Joshua Rasmussen, Necessary Existence, Oxford University Press, 2018

One Body: An Essay in Christian Sexual Ethics, Notre Dame University Press, 2012

Actuality, Possibility and Worlds, Continuum, 2011

The Principle of Sufficient Reason: A Reassessment, Cambridge University Press, 2006

with Richard M. Gale (eds.), The Existence of God, with 30,000 word introduction, International Research Library of Philosophy, Aldershot, England: Ashgate Publishing, 2003

Peer-reviewed articles

with Levi Durham, “How infinitely valuable could a person be”, Philosophia 52 (2024) 1185–1201

“Necessary and sufficient conditions for domination results for proper scoring rules”, Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (2024) 132–143

“Two theories of divine conservation”, Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, forthcoming

“An alternative to the privation theory of evil”, Faith and Philosophy 40 (2023) 162–184

“The dialectics of accuracy arguments for probabilism”, Synthese 201 (2023)

“Strict dominance and symmetry”, Philosophical Studies 180 (2023) 1017–1029

“Accuracy, probabilism and Bayesian update in infinite domains”, Synthese 200 (2022)

“Ineffability and creation”, Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion 10 (2022) 301–310

“A classical way forward for the regularity and normalization problems”, Synthese 199 (2021) 11769–11792

“Non-classical probabilities invariant under symmetries”, Synthese 199 (2021) 8507–8532

with Andrew Bailey, “Human beings among the beasts”, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 102 (2021) 455–467

“Sexuality as secularly sacred”, in: E. Silverman (ed.), Sexual Ethics in a Secular Age: Is There Still a Virtue of Chastity? Routledge (2021)

Avoiding Dutch Books despite inconsistent credences”, Synthese 198 (2021): 11265–11289

“Underdetermination of infinitesimal probabilities”, Synthese 198 (2021): 777–799

with Robert C. Koons, “Skepticism and the Principle of Sufficient Reason”, Philosophical Studies 178 (2021): 1079–1099

“The cosmos as a work of art: A skeptical theist approach that isn’t too skeptical”, Proceedings of American Catholic Philosophical Association 94 (2020) 205–213

“Might all infinities be the same size?”, Australasian Journal of Philosophy 98 (2020): 604–617

with Hilary Yancey, “Privation in the problem of evil: Impairment, health, wellbeing, and a case of humans and betazoids”, Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion 9 (2019) 1-16

with Ross Inman, “On Christian theism and unrestricted composition”, American Philosophical Quarterly 56 (2019) 345-360

“Conditionals and conditional probabilities without triviality”, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 60 (2019) 551-558

“Counseling lesser and proportionate evils: A principled defense”, Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 92 (2018) 151–160

with Calum Miller, “Human organisms begin to exist at fertilization”, Bioethics 31 (2017) 534-542

“An open infinite future is impossible”, Faith and Philosophy 33 (2016) 461-464

“The Principle of Sufficient Reason and probability”, Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 10 (2017) 261–278

“Being sure and being confident that you won't lose confidence”, Logos & Episteme 7 (2016) 45-54

“Divine creative freedom”, Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion 7 (2016) 213–238

“Possibility is not consistency”, Philosophical Studies 172 (2015) 2341-2348

“Popper functions, uniform distributions and infinite sequences of heads”, Journal of Philosophical Logic 44 (2015) 259–271

with Joshua Rasmussen, “Problems with plurals”, Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 9 (2015) 4257

with Joshua Rasmussen, “Time without creation?”, Faith and Philosophy 31 (2014) 401411

“Nested modes, ‘qua’ and the Incarnation”, European Journal for the Philosophy of Religion 6 (2014)

“Regular probability comparisons imply the Banach-Tarski Paradox”, Synthese 191 (2014) 3525-3540

“Independent tests and the log-likelihood-ratio measure of confirmation”, Thought 3 (2014) 124-135

with Joshua Rasmussen, “Explaining counterfactuals of freedom”, Religious Studies 50 (2014) 193-198

“Infinitesimals are too small for countably infinite fair lotteries”, Synthese 191 (2014) 1051-1057

with Trent Dougherty, “Evil and the problem of anomaly”, in Jonathan L. Kvanvig (ed.), Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion, Volume 5, Oxford: Oxford University Press (2014), 49-87

“Aristotelian forms and laws of nature”, Analysis and Existence 24 (2013) 115-132

“Incompatibilism proved”, Canadian Journal of Philosophy 43 (2013) 430–437

“Null probability, dominance and rotation”, Analysis 73 (2013) 682–685

“Probability, regularity and cardinality”, Philosophy of Science 80 (2013) 231–240

“Omnipresence, multilocation, the real presence and time travel”, Journal of Analytic Theology 1 (2013) 60–73

“The accomplishment of plans: A new version of the Principle of Double Effect”, Philosophical Studies 165 (2013) 49–69

“Omnirationality”, Res Philosophica 90 (2013) 1–21

“Infinite lotteries, perfectly thin darts and infinitesimals”, Thought 1 (2012) 81–89

“Conditional probabilities”, Analysis 72 (2012) 488–491

with Kenneth L. Pearce, “Understanding omnipotence”, Religious Studies 48 (2012) 403–414

“The badness of being certain of a falsehood is at least 1/(log 4 – 1) times greater than the value of being certain of a truth”, Logos & Episteme 3 (2012) 229–238

 “A counterexample to Plantinga’s Free Will Defense”, Faith and Philosophy 29 (2012) 400–415

“Sincerely asserting what you do not believe”, Australasian Journal of Philosophy 90 (2012) 541–546

“A deflationary theory of diachronic identity”, Australasian Journal of Philosophy 90 (2012) 19–37

“A new way to reconcile creation with current evolutionary science”, Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 85 (2011) 213–222

“Lies and dishonest endorsements”, Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 84 (2010) 213-222

“From restricted to full omniscience”, Religious Studies 47 (2011) 257-264

“The A-theory of time and induction”, Philosophical Studies 152 (2011) 335-345

“Probability and the open future view”, Faith and Philosophy 27 (2010) 190-196

“The ontological argument and the motivational centers of lives”, Religious Studies 46 (2010) 233-249

“A Gödelian ontological argument improved”, Religious Studies 45 (2009) 347-353

“Another step in divine command dialectics”, Faith and Philosophy 26 (2009) 432-439

“The essential divine perfection objection to the free will defense”, Religious Studies 44 (2008) 433-444

“Toner on judgment and eternalism”, Faith and Philosophy 25 (2008)

“How not to reconcile the creation of human beings with evolution”, Philosophia Christi 9 (2007) 145-163

“Prophecy without middle knowledge”, Faith and Philosophy 24 (2007) 433-457

“Conjunctions, disjunctions and Lewisian semantics for counterfactuals”, Synthese 156 (2007) 33-52

Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit: Arguments new and old for the Principle of Sufficient Reason”, in: J. Campbell, M. O’Rourke and H. Silverstein (eds.), Causation and Explanation, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2007

“A restricted Principle of Sufficient Reason and the Cosmological Argument”, Religious Studies 40 (2004) 165–179

“David Lewis’s counterfactual arrow of time”, Noûs 37 (2003) 606–637

“A new free will defense”, Religious Studies 39 (2003) 211–233

“Post’s critiques of omniscience and of talk of ‘all true propositions’”, Philo 6 (2003) 49–58 (special issue in honor of Richard M. Gale)

“Not out of lust but in accordance with truth: Theological and philosophical reflections on sexuality and reality”, Logos 6 (2003) 51–80

with Richard M. Gale, “A response to Almeida and Judisch”, International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 53 (2003) 65–72

“Christian faith and belief”, Faith and Philosophy 19 (2002) 291–303

“Śaṃkara’s principle and two ontomystical arguments”, International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 49 (2001) 111–120

“The cardinality objection to David Lewis’s modal realism”, Philosophical Studies 104 (2001) 167–176

“Christian sexual ethics and teleological organicity”, The Thomist 64 (2000) 71–100

with Richard M. Gale, “A new cosmological argument”, Religious Studies 35 (1999) 461–476;  reprinted in Richard M. Gale and Alexander R. Pruss (eds.), The Existence of God

“Professor Lucas’ second epistemic way”, International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 45 (1999) 189–194

“Lying and speaking your interlocutor’s language”, The Thomist 63 (1999) 439–453

“Leibniz’s approach to individuation and Strawson’s criticisms”, Studia Leibnitiana 30 (1998) 116–123

“The Hume-Edwards Principle and the Cosmological Argument”, International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 43 (1998) 149–165;  reprinted in Richard M. Gale and Alexander R. Pruss (eds.), The Existence of God

Invited contributions

“Teleology beyond ends”, Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, forthcoming

“Some arguments for divine simplicity”, in: Classical Theism: New Essays on the Metaphysics of God, J. Fuqua and R. C. Koons (eds.), Routledge, 2023

“Fatalism and some varieties of contrastive explanation”, in: Theological Determinism, P. Furlong and L. Vicens (eds.), Cambridge, 2022

“Evolution and creation: Best-fit probabilities and omnirationality to the rescue”, in: Neo-Aristotelian Metaphysics and the Theology of Nature, W. Simpson, R. C. Koons, and J. Orr (eds.), Routledge, 2022

“A traveling forms interpretation of Quantum Mechanics”, in: Neo-Aristotelian Perspectives on Contemporary Science, W. Simpson, R. C. Koons and N. Teh (eds.), Routledge, 2018

“Gödelian ontological arguments”, in: Ontological Arguments, Graham Oppy (ed.), Cambridge, 2018

“Sceptical Theism, the Butterfly Effect and bracketing the unknown”, Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements 81 (2018) 71–86

with Robert Koons, “Must functionalists be Aristotelians?” in: Causal Powers, Jonathan Jacobs (ed.), Oxford, 2017

“Counterfactuals, Vagueness and God”, in: Two Dozen (or so) Arguments for God: The Plantinga Project, Jerry L. Walls and Trent Dougherty (eds.), Oxford, 2018

One Body: Overview”, Annals of Philosophy 63 (2015) 7-19

One Body: Responses to Critics”, Annals of Philosophy 63 (2015) 155-175

“The first sin: A dilemma for Christian determinists”, in: D. Alexander and D. Johnson (eds.), Calvinism and the Problem of Evil, Wipf and Stock, 2016

“The divine belief theory of truth: Might it work?” in: M. Szatkowski (ed.), God, Truth, and Other Enigmas, de Gruyter: Berlin/Munich/Boston, 2015, pp. 141-151.

with W. A. Wallace, “Cosmological Argument”, New Catholic Encyclopedia Supplement 2012-13: Ethics and Philosophy, Gale Publishing, 2013

 “A Gödelian ontological argument improved even more”, in: M. Szatkowski (ed.), Ontological Proofs Today, Ontos Verlag, 2012, pp. 203-211

“I was once a fetus: That is why abortion is wrong” (expanded version), in: S. Napier (ed.), Persons, Moral Worth, and Embryos: A Critical Analysis of Pro-Choice Arguments from Philosophy, Law, and Science, Springer, 2011, pp. 19-42

“From love to union as one body”, in: H. Watt (ed.), Fertility & Gender, Anscombe Bioethics Centre, 2011

“Some recent progress on the cosmological argument”, in: K. Timpe (ed.), Arguing about Religion, Routledge, 2009

“Altruism, normalcy and God”, in: S. Coakley and M. Nowak (eds.), Evolution, Games, and God, Boston MA: Harvard University Press, 2009

“Brower and Rea’s constitution account of the Trinity”, in: T. McCall and M. Rea (eds.), Philosophical and Theological Essays on the Trinity, Oxford: Oxford, 2009

“Leibnizian cosmological arguments”, in: W. L. Craig and J. P. Moreland (eds.), Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology, Oxford: Blackwell, 2009

“The Eucharist: Real presence and real absence”, in: Thomas Flint and Michael Rae (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Theology, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009

“Programs, bugs, DNA and a design argument”, in: Y. Nagasawa and E. Wielenberg (eds.), New Waves in Philosophy of Religion, Palgrave MacMillan, 2008

“Complicity, fetal tissue, and vaccines”, National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 6 (2006) 461–470

“Ultimate explanations”, Contemporary Pragmatism 2 (2005) 35–48

with Richard M. Gale, “Cosmological and design arguments”, in: William J. Wainwright (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Religion, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005

“The actual and the possible”, in: Richard M. Gale (ed.), Blackwell Guide to Metaphysics, Oxford: Blackwell, 2002, pp. 317–333

Other non-refereed publications

“Correction: Non-Classical Probabilities Invariant Under Symmetries”, Synthese 200 (2022)

“Erratum for ‘Conditionals and conditional probabilities without triviality’”, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 61 (2020) 501

“The need for human nature”, Sapientia, May 15, 2020, https://henrycenter.tiu.edu/2020/05/the-need-for-human-nature/

with John Norton, “Correction to John D. Norton ‘How to Build an Infinite Lottery Machine’”, European Journal for Philosophy of Science 8 (2018) 143–144

with Christopher Tollefsen, “The case against false assertion”, First Things: On The Square, 2011 <http://www.firstthings.com/onthesquare/2011/09/the-case-against-false-assertions>

with Anthony McCarthy, “Condoms and HIV transmission”, in: H. Watt (ed.), Fertility & Gender, Anscombe Bioethics Centre, 2011

“Artificial intelligence and personal identity”, Faith and Philosophy 26 (2009)

“On two problems of divine simplicity”, in Jonathan L. Kvanvig (ed.), Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion, Volume 1, Oxford: Oxford University Press (2008), 150-167

“Fine and coarse tuning, normalizability and probabilistic reasoning”, Philosophia Christi 7 (2005) 405–424

Cooperation with past evil and use of cell-lines derived from aborted fetuses”, Linacre Quarterly 71 (2004) 335–350;  reprinted in: Helen Watt (ed.), Cooperation, Complicity and Conscience: Problems in Healthcare, Science, Law and Public Policy, London: Linacre Center (2005)

with Richard M. Gale, “A Response to Oppy and to Davey and Clifton”, Religious Studies 38 (2002) 89–99

“I was once a fetus: That is why abortion is wrong”, Life and Learning 12 (2002) 169–182

Book reviews

Review of Developmental Theism: From Pure Will to Unbounded Love by Peter Forrest, Mind 118 (2009) 1132–1135

Review of Arguing about Gods by Graham Oppy, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2007

Review of Why there is Something rather than Nothing by Bede Rundle, Philosophia Christi 7 (2005)

Review of Thomas Aquinas’s Trinitarian Theology: A Study in Trinitarian Method by Timothy L. Smith, Speculum, 2005

Review of Nature and Understanding: The Metaphysics and Method of Science by Nicholas Rescher, Review of Metaphysics, 2002

Review of Other Times: Philosophical Perspectives on Past, Present and Future by David Cockburn, Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review 39 (2000) 199–202

with Richard M. Gale, Review of Atheism & Theism by J.J.C. Smart and J. Haldane, Faith and Philosophy 16 (1999) 106–113

Conference papers and other scholarly presentations

“Consciousness and quantum mechanics” (comments on P. Goth and T. Dumsday), Quantum Cosmopsychism and the World Soul online workshop, Durham University, February 2025

“God, mathematics and beauty”, St. Vincent de Paul Lecture and Concert Series, Thomas Aquinas College, Santa Paula, October 2024

“From small beginnings: Substance and Special Relativity”, Catholic Engagement in Philosophy of Science satellite meeting, American Catholic Philosophical Association, November, 2024

“Are minds machines?” Society of Catholic Scientists annual meeting, June, 2024

“Teleology beyond ends”, plenary lecture, American Catholic Philosophical Association, November, 2023

 “Aquinas and Shields on regresses”, satellite session, American Catholic Philsoophical Association, November, 2023

“God and fine-tuning in ethics and epistemology”, satellite session, American Catholic Philosophical Association, November, 2023

“The value of disagreement”, Baylor Institute for Faith and Learning annual conference, October, 2023

“Two theories of divine conservation”, American Catholic Philosophical Association, November 2022

“The knowledge problem for divine simplicity”, Baylor satellite session, American Catholic Philosophical Association, November 2022

“Three mysteries of the concrete: Causation, mind and normativity”, Christian Philosophy 2022, online, Cracow, Poland, September 2022

“Kalaam and Leibnizian cosmological arguments”, Bringing Contemporary Philosophy of Religion to Latin American Scholars: Second Online Workshop, August 2022

“Conservation, presentism and eternalism”, Space and Time summer workshop, Rutgers, June 2022

“Eternalism and theology”, Space and Time summer workshop, Rutgers, June 2022

“Apparently arbitrary parameters in applied ethics”, Romanell Workshop, Buffalo University, May 2022

“Trust in human nature”, Edith Stein Lecture, Franciscan University, Steubenville, March 2022

“A norm-based design argument”, Rutgers Center for Philosophy of Religion and the Princeton Project in Philosophy of Religion, November 2021, presented online

“Privation and the metaphysical problem of evil”, Stapledon Colloquium, Liverpool University, October, 2021, presented online

“An alternative to the privation theory of evil”, New Perspectives in Philosophy of Religion, Campinas, Brazil, July, 2021, presented online

“Defining murder”, Bios Centre, London, January, 2021, presented online

“The cosmos as a work of art: A skeptical theist approach that isn’t too skeptical”, American Catholic Philosophical Association, November 2020, presented online

“Regular hyperreal and qualitative probabilities invariant under symmetries”, foundations of probability working group, Princeton/Rutgers University, October 2020, presented online

“God and beauty”, keynote, Christian Philosophy 2020 Conference, Cracow, Poland, September 2020, presented online

“Secularly arguing for the sacredness of sex”, Dietrich von Hildebrand Legacy Project Satellite Session, American Catholic Philosophical Association, Minneapolis, 2019

Panel discussion of Masek’s Intention, Character and Double Effect, Ohio Dominican Satellite Session, American Catholic Philosophical Association, Minneapolis, 2019

“Apparently arbitrary parameters: Morality, rationality and epistemology”, Thomistic Institute graduate seminar, Stanford University, October 2019

“Might all infinities be the same size?”, philosophy of mathematics group, Texas A&M, October, 2019

“Might all infinities be the same size?”, Oriel philosophy group presentation, Oriel College, University of Oxford, May, 2019

“God, human nature and mathematics”, series of five presentations, Wilde Lectures in Natural and Comparative Religion, Oriel College, University of Oxford, May, 2019

“Paradoxes of infinity and the first cause argument”, University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis, December, 2018

“Counseling lesser and proportionate evils: A principled defense”, American Catholic Philosophical Association, San Diego, November, 2018

“Arbitrary parameters and ethics”, Theistic Ethics Workshop, Wakeforest University, October, 2018

Comments on Artificial Intelligence talks, Villefranche Meeting, Eze, France, June, 2018

“Recent work on the cosmological argument”, Villefranche Meeting, Eze, France, June, 2018

“Marriage is a natural kind”, Humanae Vitae 50 Years Later conference, Benedictine College, March, 2018

“Evolution and creation: Frequentism and omnirationality to the rescue”, Catholic Engagement with Philosophy of Science group session at American Catholic Philosophical Association meeting, November, 2017

“Defeat and compensation”, Baylor group session at American Catholic Philosophical Association meeting, November, 2017

“Naturalism and a new Pelagianism”, Society of Christian Philosophers Midwest Meeting, October, 2017

“Naturalism and a new Pelagianism”, Dominican Colloquium in Berkeley, July, 2017

“Sceptical theism, the butterfly effect and bracketing the unknown”, pre-read, Philosophy of Religion Reading Group, Rutgers University, February, 2017

Panelist, discussion of fine tuning, Rutgers University, February, 2017

“Marriage is a natural kind”, Society of Christian Philosophers Mid-West Conference, Springfield, September, 2016

“Causal finitism and the kalaam argument”, New Theists conference, Wakeforest University, August, 2016

“Leibniz, physics and teleology”, The Continuing Relevance of Leibniz conference, plenary address, Franciscan University of Steubenville, April, 2016

“One body”, Biola University, March, 2016

“Being sure and being confident that you won't lose confidence”, American Philosophical Association, Chicago, March, 2016

“Causal finitism and the kalaam argument”, Catholic University of America, February, 2016

“Internal ends, external ends, cheating and throwing a match”, The Spirit of Sports, Institute of Faith and Learning conference, Baylor University, November, 2015

“Chance, chaos and the Principle of Sufficient Reason”, plenary talk, American Catholic Philosophical Association Annual Meeting, Boston, October, 2015

“Privative evils: Humans and betazoids”, workshop on theism and value theory, Rutgers University, August, 2015

“Infinity and causation”, University of Oklahoma, April, 2015

“Probability and God’s will”, Continuous Creation workshop, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, December, 2014

“Evolution and creation: Frequentism and omnirationality to the rescue”, Randomness and Foreknowledge Conference, Dallas, TX, October, 2014

“Children as the Fruits of Love”, Franciscan University, Steubenville, OH, October, 2014

“Is naturalism simpler than theism?”, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, March, 2014

“The Principle of Sufficient Reason”, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, March, 2014

“Quantifiers, quasi-quantifiers and ordinary language”, California Metaphysics Conference, University of Southern California, January, 2014

“Christology, ‘qua’ and tropes”, Analytic Theology Conference on Faith, Knowledge, and the Trinity, Prague, September, 2013

(presented by Marcin Koszowy) “The divine belief theory of truth: Might it work?”, God, Truth and Other Enigmas Conference, Warsaw, September, 2013

“Implications of cosmology for the philosophy of religion”, University of California at Santa Cruz Institute for the Philosophy of Cosmology, July, 2013

“The divine belief theory of truth: Might it work?”, Canadian Society of Christian Philosophers, Victoria, BC, June, 2013

“Infinitesimals don’t help”, Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science, Victoria, BC, June, 2013

“One body: A beginning for Christian sexual ethics”, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Steubenville, OH, April, 2013

“The accomplishment of plans: A new version of the Principle of Double Effect”, consultation on Action and Intention in Moral Analysis, Princeton University, September, 2012

“Divine creative freedom”, workshop on divine freedom, Tallahassee, March, 2012

Respondent at author-meets-critics session for Actuality, Possibility and Worlds, Society for Catholic and Analytical Philosophy satellite session, American Catholic Philosophical Association Annual Conference, St. Louis, October, 2011

“A new way to reconcile creation with current evolutionary science”, American Catholic Philosophical Association Annual Conference, St. Louis, October, 2011

with Trent Dougherty, “Evil and the problem of anomaly”, University of St. Thomas, Houston, October, 2011

with Trent Dougherty, “Evil and the problem of anomaly”, Baylor-Georgetown-Notre Dame Philosophy of Religion Conference, Georgetown University, October, 2011

with Robert Koons, “Must functionalists be Aristotelians?” Putting Powers to Work Conference, St. Louis University, April 2011

“Aristotelian forms and laws of nature”, Inland Northwest Philosophy Conference, April, 2011

“Moorean sentences, sincerity and norms of assertion”, Central Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Minneapolis, March, 2011

“Lies and dishonest endorsements”, American Catholic Philosophical Association Annual Conference, Baltimore, November, 2010

“The search for ultimate explanation: Why is there something rather than nothing?”, Workshop on Scientific Achievement in Honor of Nicholas Rescher, Pittsburgh, PA, September, 2010

“From love to union as one body”, Fertility, Infertility and Gender Conference of the Linacre/Anscombe Centre, Maynooth, Ireland, June, 2010

“Substance and personal identity”, Society for Catholicism and Analytic Philosophy Satellite Session, American Catholic Philosophical Association Meeting, New Orleans, November, 2009

“A-Theory and induction”, Issues in Metaphysics Satellite Session, American Catholic Philosophical Association Meeting, New Orleans, November, 2009

“Substance and personal identity”, Faculty Colloquium, Baylor University, October, 2009

Invited participant and panelist at Philosophy of Cosmology conference, Oxford University, September, 2009

“Care and union”, presentation for workshop on the work of Nicholas Wolterstorff, Baylor University, April, 2009

with Todd Buras, “Motivating the possibility premise”, Metaphysics and Philosophy of Religion Workshop, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, March, 2009

“One body: Reflections on Christian sexual ethics”, University of St. Thomas, Houston, November, 2008

“Artificial intelligence and personal identity”, Science and Human Nature: Russian and Western Perspectives Conference, Baylor University, November, 2008

“Cooperating with evildoers”, Keynote Address for the Society of Christian Philosophers Eastern Division and Albert the Great Lecture of the Department of Philosophy, Niagara University, Niagara NY, April, 2008

“A new way to reconcile creation with evolutionary biology”, Baylor Philosophy of Religion Conference, San Antonio, TX, February, 2008

“Identity and the copying of minds”, UTSA Philosophy Symposium, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, February, 2008

“Altruism and normalcy”, symposium on the evolution of cooperation, Harvard University, May, 2007

“Love and obedience”, Society of Christian Philosophers Eastern Division, Columbia SC, April, 2007

“From intention to accomplishment”, Baylor University, January 2007 and Workshop on Double Effect, Georgetown University, April, 2007

 “Double effect in recent philosophy” (working title), American Maritain Association, satellite meeting at the Eastern Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Washington, December, 2006

“A defense of the B-theory against the intranslatability and emotional attitude arguments”, Philosophy of Time Society satellite meeting at the Eastern Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Washington, December, 2006

“Materialism and Pelagianism”, Society of Christian Philosophers, satellite meeting at the American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, Washington, November, 2006

“Defending the cosmological argument”, National Faculty Leadership Conference, Alexandria, VA, June, 2006

Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit: Arguments new and old for the Principle of Sufficient Reason”, invited symposium presentation at the Central Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Chicago, April, 2006

“Time, tense and language: A defense of the B-theory”, University of Delaware, April, 2006

“How not to reconcile evolution and creation”, University of Notre Dame, March, 2006

“Conjunctions, disjunctions and Lewisian semantics for counterfactuals”, Logic and Linguistics Group, Georgetown University, February, 2006

“Why isn’t altruism abnormal?  Contemporary cosmological and teleological arguments for the existence of God, and the evolution of altruism”, Harvard Divinity School, December, 2005

“The Jesuit Ratio Studiorum of 1599”, Joy in the Truth conference, University of Notre Dame, September, 2005

“Western Theism and Evolution”, short paper presented to start discussion at the Philosophers in Jesuit Education satellite meeting at the Eastern Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Chicago, Boston, January, 2005

“The cosmos as a work of art”, presented at the Epiphanies of Beauty conference, University of Notre Dame, November, 2004 

Cooperation with past evil and use of cell-lines derived from aborted fetuses”, presented at the Center for Clinical Bioethics, Georgetown University Hospital, spring 2004

“On three problems of divine simplicity”, presented at the Society of Christian Philosophers satellite session at the American Catholic Philosophical Association annual meeting, October, 2003

“Love, deontology, and double effect”, presented at the Formation and Renewal conference, University of Notre Dame, October, 2003

“Eight tempting big-picture errors in ethics”, presented at the Life and Learning conference, Georgetown University, May, 2003

“Fine and coarse tuning, renormalizability and probabilistic reasoning”, workshop on fine-tuning, University of Notre Dame, April, 2003

Invited commentator, conference in honor of Richard M. Gale, University of Pittsburgh, April 5, 2003

Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit: Arguments new and old for the Principle of Sufficient Reason”, presented at the satellite session on analytic philosophy at the American Catholic Philosophical Association annual meeting, Cincinnati, November, 2002, and in variant form at the Inland Northwest Philosophy Conference, University of Idaho and Washington State University, May 2-4, 2003

“Maternal love and abortion”, presented at the “From Death to Life: Agendas for Reform” conference at Notre Dame University, September 28, 2002

“I was once a fetus”, presented at the Life and Learning conference, Ann Arbor, May 31, 2002

“A new free will defense”, presented at the Central Division Meeting of the Society of Christian Philosophers, March 8, 2002

“The counterfactual arrow of time”, presented at the Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh, February 1, 2002

“Faith, paradox, reason and the argumentum Spiritus Sancti in Climacus and Kierkegaard”, presented at the meeting of the Søren Kierkegaard Society at the Central APA Conference, 2001

“The meaning of sexual love”, presented at the interdisciplinary “Conversations with the Other” graduate student conference, Duquesne University, March 24, 2001

Other presentations outside the regular classroom

“Do you have a soul?”, Thomistic Institute presentation, Texas A&M, October 2024

“God, beauty and mathematics”, Thomistic Institute presentation, University of North Texas, October 2024

“God, mathematics and beauty”, Thomistic Institute presentation, University of Texas at El Paso, September 2024

“Infinity and the existence of God”, Thomistic Institute presentation, Georgia Tech, March 2024

“Animal consciousness and the New York Declaration”, Faith and Science Colloquium, Baylor University, September 2024

 “A world of mystery”, Faith and Science Colloquium, Baylor University, March 2023

“A quick introduction to nonstandard analysis”, two-part presentation in Algebra and Logic Seminar, Mathematics Department, Baylor University, March 2023

“IVF and contraception”, St Peter’s pro-life student group, Waco, March 2023

“Infinity and the existence of God”, Thomistic Institute presentation, Georgia Tech University, March 2023

“Science, beauty and God”, Thomistic Institute presentation, Southern Methodist University, December 2023

“God and the beauty of mathematics”, presentation for Ratio Christi student group, Baylor, November 2023

“This is my body: How can the Eucharist be God?” Thomistic Institute presentation, Ashland University, March 2023

Debate with Brian Besong on animals in heaven, St. Francis University, Pennsylvania, March 2023

“The existence of God”, St. Francis University, Pennsylvania, March 2023

“Science, reason... and beyond”, Thomistic Institute presentation, University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University (joint), October 2022

“God’s reasons for creating this world”, Christ and Nature lunch, Baylor University, September 2022

“God, beauty and mathematics”, Thomistic Institute presentation, Texas A&M, April 2022

“Can Christ's body be present in many places at once?”, Thomistic Institute intellectual retreat presentation, Washington, DC, January 2022

“Eucharist: Symbol and Reality”, Thomistic Institute intellectual retreat presentation, Washington, DC, January 2022

“God and the Paradoxes of Infinity”, Philosophy Club, Baylor University, November 2021

“Happiness and the Meaning of Life”, Thomistic Institute presentation, Harvard University, October 2021

“God of the Gaps: Are There Limits to Scientific Certainty?” Thomistic Institute, Yale University, March 2021, presented online

“What is love? Does anyone really love​ someone?”, Philosophy Club, Baylor University, February 2021

Two presentations on Wippel’s The Metaphysical Thought of Thomas Aquinas, Thomistic Institute, Cornell University, Fall 2020

“Happiness”, Thomistic Institute presentation, Brown University, October 2019

“Does God exist?”, Thomistic Institute presentation, Stanford University, October 2019

“Eternalism and theology”, Magi Project seminar, University of Pennsylvania, June 2019

“Causal finitism and spacetime”, Magi Project seminar, University of Pennsylvania, June 2019

 “Divine ineffability: A pragmatic approach”, presentation, St. Benet’s Hall, University of Oxford, May 2019

“The first cause”, Thomistic Institute presentation, Trinity University, San Antonio, April 2019

“God, mathematics and beauty”, Thomistic Institute presentation, Massachusetts  Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA, March 2019

“The cosmos as a work of art”, presentation for students at University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis, December 2018

“Eating God? Can the Eucharist really be Jesus?” Thomistic Institute presentation, Baylor University, Waco, November 2018

“Causal finitism and the Kalam Argument”, guest presentation to some mathematics students, Benedictine College, March 2018

“Paradoxes of infinity and the cosmological argument”, Thomistic Institute, Rutgers University, February, 2017

“From infinity to God: Paradoxes and the first cause argument”, Baylor Philosophy Club, February 2017

“Are persons interchangeable?”, Baylor Philosophy Club, March 2015

“One body: Love, sex and Christianity”, presentation for: student groups at the University of Pittsburgh, October 2014; Instituto Res Publica, Santiago, Chile, March 2014; student groups at Columbia University, February 2014; student groups at Princeton University, February 2014

“Love and sex: Philosophical reflections”, St. Peter’s Catholic Student Center at Baylor University, Spring 2012

Presentation on a new proof of Gödel’s theorem, Baylor Philosophy Club, Fall 2011

Lectures on the Principle of Sufficient Reason, Summer Seminar in Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology for graduate students and young faculty, two days of lecture/discussion plus a half-day of response/discussion with Peter van Inwagen, University of St Thomas, St. Paul, MN, June 2010

“God, evil and art”, talk to Baylor Philosophy Club, September 2008

“Love and sex: Philosophical reflections”, Christians and Culture Lecture, St. Paul Center, Pittsburgh, PA, December 2006

On faculty and curriculum committee for “Ethics, Mind and Nature in the Analytic and Thomistic Traditions” week-long summer graduate seminar, Witherspoon Institute, Princeton, NJ, August, 2006

Guest lecture on Principle of Sufficient Reason, graduate philosophy of religion course, Rutgers University, December, 2005

Presentation on free will to Philosophy and Faith lecture series, Georgetown University, Fall, 2004

“Ethics mis-understood”, presented to DFE foreign service fraternity, September, 2004

apologetics workshop for American University pro-life student group, April, 2004

“Eight tempting big-picture errors in ethics”, presented at the Cardinal O’Connor Conference, Georgetown University, January, 2004

presentation on relativism and ethics at high school, Port Angeles, WA, May 2003

“Religion and the Limits of Science”, presentation at high school, Port Angeles, WA, May, 2003

apologetics workshop for Georgetown University Right to Life student group, April, 2002

with Robert Clifton, Kevin Davey and Richard M. Gale, debate on “A new cosmological argument” (Gale and Pruss, 1999), in front of Philosophy Honor Society, University of Pittsburgh, March, 2001 “‘Not out of lust but in accordance with the truth’: The nature of sexual love”, abstract, under review for the conference on Christian personalism at the Franciscan University

Publications in Mathematics and Related Fields

Peer-reviewed articles

“Linear extensions of orders invariant under abelian group actions”, Colloquium Mathematicum 137 (2014) 117-125

“Two kinds of invariance of full conditional probabilities”, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences – Mathematics 61 (2013) 277-283

“On the Law of Large Numbers for nonmeasurable identically distributed random variables”, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences - Mathematics 61 (2013) 161–168

with Richard C. Bradley, “A strictly stationary, N-tuplewise independent counterexample to the central limit theorem”, Stochastic Processes and Their Applications 119 (2009) 3300–3318

“A general Hsu-Robbins-Erdős type estimate of tail probabilities of sums of independent identically distributed random variables”, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 46 (2003) 181–201

“Discrete harmonic measure, Green’s functions and symmetrization: A unified probabilistic approach”, Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska (Sectio A) 55 (2001) 139–174

with Stephen J. Montgomery-Smith, “A comparison inequality for sums of independent random variables”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 254 (2001) 35–42

with Dominik Szynal, “On the central limit theorem for negatively correlated random variables with negatively correlated squares”, Stochastic Processes and Their Applications 87 (2000) 299–309

“Symmetrization inequalities for difference equations on graphs”, Advances in Applied Mathematics 22 (1999) 338–370

“A remark on the Moser-Aubin inequality for radially symmetric functions on the sphere”, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 42 (1999) 478–485

“Radial rearrangement, harmonic measures and extensions of Beurling's shove theorem”, Arkiv för Matematik 37 (1999) 183–210

“A bounded N-tuplewise independent and identically distributed counterexample to the CLT”, Probability Theory and Related Fields 111 (1998) 323–332

“Discrete convolution-rearrangement inequalities and the Faber-Krahn inequality on regular trees”, Duke Mathematical Journal 91 (1998) 463–514

“A maximal inequality for sums of exchangeable random variables”, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 126 (1998) 1811–1819

“Steiner symmetry, horizontal convexity and some Dirichlet problems”, Indiana University Mathematics Journal 46 (1997) 863–895

“A two-sided estimate in the Hsu-Robbins-Erdős law of large numbers”, Stochastic Processes and their Applications 70 (1997) 173–180

“Comparisons between tail probabilities of sums of independent symmetric random variables”, Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré – Probabilités & Statistiques 33 (1997) 651–671

“One-dimensional random walks, decreasing rearrangements and discrete Steiner symmetrization”, Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré – Probabilités & Statistiques 33 (1997) 83–112

“On Spataru’s extension of the Hsu-Robbins-Erdös law of large numbers”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 199 (1996) 558–576

“Remarks on summability of series formed from deviation probabilities of sums of independent identically distributed random variables”, Ukraïns´kii Matematichnii Zhurnal 48 (1996) 569–572; reprinted in: Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 48 (1996) 631–635

“Three counterexamples for a question concerning Green’s functions and circular symmetrization”, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 124 (1996) 1755–1761

“Randomly sampled Riemann sums and complete convergence in the law of large numbers for a case without identical distribution”, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 124 (1996) 919–929

with Alec Matheson, “Properties of extremal functions for some nonlinear functionals on Dirichlet spaces”, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 348 (1996) 2901–2930

“Nonexistence of maxima for perturbations of some inequalities with critical growth”, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 39 (1996) 227–237

“A remark on non-existence of an algebra norm for the algebra of continuous functions on a topological space admitting an unbounded continuous function”, Studia Mathematica 116 (1995) 295–297

Non-refereed and popular publications

“Symmetrization, Green's Functions, harmonic measures and difference equations”, Dissertation Summaries in Mathematics 1 (1996) 67–74

with Zvi Margaliot and Patrick D. Surry, “Finding Optimal Steiner Trees”, Journal of Undergraduate Mathematics and Its Applications 12 (3), Fall 1991, 265–278

“A star goes down the cosmic drain or what happens when a star falls down a black hole”, Astronomy London (Ontario), 23 (3), March 1991, 13–15

“Shanks’ transform and series improvement”, Mathematical Mayhem 2 (4), June 1990

“Spherical trigonometry”, Mathematical Mayhem 1 (4), June 1989

“Artificial Intelligence in politics”, Youth Science News 8 (3), May–June 1988, 19–20

“Artificial Intelligence in politics”, Physics in Canada 45 (2), March 1989, 66–67

Presentations in pure and applied mathematics

“Some new results on tail probabilities of sums of independent identically distributed random variables”, seminar, Institute of Mathematics, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland, May, 1999

“Symmetrization, Green’s functions, harmonic measures and difference equations”, doctoral thesis defense, University of British Columbia, April 1, 1996

“Inequalities for tail probabilities of sums of independent random variables”, Probability Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of British Columbia, February 5, 1996

“Radial rearrangement, Beurling's shove theorem and the Chang-Marshall inequality”, invited Complex Analysis Seminar, Mathematics Department, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, October 3, 1995

“Discrete symmetrization, harmonic measure and the Faber-Krahn inequality on trees”, informal seminar, Mathematics Department, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, October 2, 1995

“From the Pólya-Szegö symmetrization inequality for Dirichlet integrals to comparison theorems for p.d.e.'s on manifolds”, 8th International Symposium on Classical Analysis, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, September 18-24, 1995

“Extremals of nonlinear functionals on the unit ball of Dirichlet space, symmetrization theory and drunkards in dangerous blind alleys”, invited seminar, Institute of Mathematics, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland, September 7, 1995

“Rates of convergence in the law of large numbers and randomly sampled Riemann sums”, invited seminar, Institute of Mathematics, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland, September 7, 1995

“Nonexistence of maxima for perturbations of some inequalities with critical growth”, Fourth International Conference on Function Spaces, Zielona Góra, Poland, August 28–September 1, 1995

“Extremals for some non-linear functionals on unit balls of Dirichlet spaces”, International Conference on Approximation Theory and Function Series, Budapest, Hungary, August 21-25, 1995

“Extremals of nonlinear functionals on the ball of the Dirichlet space, some conjectures concerning least harmonic majorants, and symmetrization”, invited Complex Analysis Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, January 10, 1995

with Alec Matheson, “Extremal functions for some nonlinear functionals on the Dirichlet space”, Analysis Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of British Columbia, July 26, 1994

with Alec Matheson, “Some questions on a nonlinear functional on the Dirichlet space”, Conference on the Interaction Between Functional Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, and Probability, Columbia, Missouri, May 30–June 3, 1994

“Convergence of randomly sampled Riemann sums to the Lebesgue integral”, Function Spaces Conference, Edwardsville, Illinois, May 23–28, 1994

“Randomly sampled Riemann sums and complete convergence”, Probability Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of British Columbia, May 4, 1994

with Zvi Margaliot and Patrick D. Surry, “Network optimization”, Mathematical Contest in Modeling Minisymposium, Second International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Washington, D.C., July 12, 1991

with Patrick J. Mann, “Relativistic smoothed particle hydrodynamics,” Applied Mathematics Lecture Series, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Western Ontario, January 1991

Teaching experience[1]

Undergraduate level: Ancient Philosophy; Plato; Leibniz and Spinoza; Aquinas and Augustine on the Trinity; Introduction to Philosophy; Introduction to Ethics; Philosophy of Love and Sex; Philosophy of Religion; Metaphysics; Philosophy of Time

Graduate level: Metaphysics; Philosophy of Time; Cosmological and Ontological Arguments; Modality and Causality; Truth, Language and Paradox; Free Will; Leibniz and Spinoza; Philosophy of Religion; Aquinas on the Trinity and the Incarnation

Professional experience and service

Executive Council of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 2021-2024

Editorial boards: American Philosophical Quarterly, Analysis and Existence and Continuum Studies in Philosophy of Religion

Executive Council of the Society of Christian Philosophers, 2011-2013

Faculty in Residence connected to the Culture and Performance Living and Learning Community (2003–07)

On selection panel for 2003 and 2004 National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend Programs

Wrote about a dozen reviews for Mathematical Reviews

Guest researcher at the Institute of Mathematics, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland (one week in 1999, and two weeks in 1995)

Research in the interaction of stars and black holes, supervised by Professor Patrick J. Mann, Departments of Astronomy and Applied Mathematics, University of Western Ontario (Summer, 1989 and 1990)

Research in solid state quantum physics, supervised by Professors M. G. Cottam and M. R. Singh, Department of Physics, University of Western Ontario (Summer, 1988)


English (dominant and fluent), Polish (fluent), French (reading; passed language requirement exams in philosophy and mathematics), Russian (reading), Classical Hebrew (rusty reading with dictionary), Greek (Koinê and Attic, reading with dictionary), Classical Syriac/Aramaic (very rusty rudimentary reading with dictionary and reference works) The nature of possibility, essentialism, Aristotelian metaphysics, individuation, personal identity, time, Aquinas, philosophy of religion (theistic arguments, divine attributes, the problem of evil, the ethics of belief), sexual ethics

[1] Titles describe content and do not always literally reflect catalog titles.